NAS Ukraine


Scientific seminars carry out discussion of scientific reports and short messages on the main scientific directions of the Institute, final reports for scientific research works and international grants, offers for new scientific research works, submitted PhD thesis, themes for post-graduate students of the 1st grade level, the interim reports of post-graduate students of 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade level, submitted on the international Conferences of plenary and section reports.

Seminar "Inorganic chemistry"
Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
Vasyl I. Pekhnyo - Co-chairman
Lyudmila I. Koval, PhD - secretary

Seminar "Electrochemistry"
Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
Anatolii O. Omelchuk - Chairman
Valery S. Kublanovsky, Dr.Sci. - Co-chairman
Antonina V. Bliznyuk - secretary

Seminar "Physical chemistry"
Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
Vladimir N. Belyakov - Chairman
Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
Vladimir M. Ogenko - Co-chairman
Lyudmila M. Rozhdestvenkaya, PhD - secretary
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